I am now 3 days past my "guess date"-- longer than I've ever been pregnant before! I have spent a good part of the past 3 days freaking out internally. I have wondered about every possible complication and considered every natural induction method. However, something has kept me from acting. I did try pressing an accupressure point on my hand on Wednesday night. On Thursday, I had contractions that were between 4 and 10 minutes apart for the ENTIRE DAY! I got pretty excited and thought surely my baby would be born that evening or at least by the next day. Come Friday morning, I was still babyless and I had reached my "guess date." Here are a few methods I have considered:
Foley Balloon Catheter: I haven't really considered this one but I know it is an option. I also know that it can lead to frustration if it doesn't fall out when you are ready for it to and possibly to malposition of the baby's head. Also, you could remain 4 cm dilated for weeks after and wonder why the heck nothing is happening.
Accupressure points: As I mentioned before, I already tried this one. It did seem to lead to some contractions but it was frustrating that those contractions never became more intense or closer or longer. I don't want to go through another day of contractions that may or may not be effectively dilating my cervix.
Herbs: I have been taking a five week herbal formula that tones my uterus. I could take larger doses of blue and black cohosh but they thin your blood and you run the risk of hemorrhaging after birth. No thanks! Evening primrose oil can soften your cervix but from what I understood at my last prenatal appointment, my cervix is nice and soft, just not dilated past a 1. What I need are effective contractions! Red raspberry leaf tea doesn't actually induce labor, just tones your uterus.
Nipple Stimulation: Nipple stimulation does produce oxytocin which leads to contractions. It also has some possibly unpleasant and dangerous side effects. On the unpleasant side, you have to stimulate your nipples for fifteen minutes at a time for hours on end. Sounds like my idea of hell. Also, you can overstimulate your uterus causing your water to break or your baby to be distressed. And as always, you run the risk of having lots of fun contractions that are ineffective.
Castor Oil: Castor oil pretty much works by causing intestinal cramps that irritate the uterus and cause it to contract. It also causes horrible diarrhea. Besides the fact that horrible diarrhea would be no fun, it can also lead to dehydration. Dehydration can lead to low amniotic fluid which can lead to medical induction which can lead to c-section. Also, a dehydrated uterus leads to very painful contractions. As always, it doesn't always lead to the start of labor. Oh yes, and it tastes nasty.
Stripping membranes: Stripping the amniotic membranes away from the cervix can produce prostiglandins which can ripen the cervix. You run the risk of your membranes accidentally being ruptured which then puts you "on the clock." Your baby needs to be born within a certain amount of time, whether he is ready to or not. I have also heard that it can be a rather painful procedure. I am considering trying this method if I am still pregnant tomorrow at my prenatal appointment. We'll see!
There is always sex, walking, and eating certain foods. I don't put much stock into the food idea but I'm not opposed to either the sex or the walking. Neither has produced any results for me thus far though!
So, I am thinking the "wait patiently and remain positive" approach is probably going to be the one for me! I am not even considered to be medically overdue until 42 weeks and I am only a few days past my "guess date." As long as Jacob and I are both healthy I don't see a good reason to induce. He might be using these last few days to receive further instruction from my mom or Doug or my grandparents on how to best help our family or how to transition to earth life. He might be learning about the physical sensations he will experience here. I know I am having experiences that I might not otherwise have if he had already been born. I got so worked up and crazy the other day that I had to sing a hymn to calm myself down. I forgot how powerful hymns can be. It was so comforting to me and I am so glad I was able to have that experience. I sang the hymn, How Great Thou Art, and I was able to really contemplate what an amazing creator the Lord is and how lucky and blessed I am to be a partner in that along with my husband.
I wanted my kids to be able to go to Cornbelly's this year and have a fun Halloween activity before the baby is here. We were able to go on Saturday because I am still pregnant. They had a way good time and got one more day to be our two kids before they will have another sibling to consider.
I have been having some pretty intense and vivid dreams about my aunt for the past week or so. I woke up Sunday morning and started listening to one of my hypnosis scripts. I was thinking about my dream and decided to call my aunt right away. I was thinking of what I would say on her answering machine if she didn't pick up. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was her! She was in my driveway. Talking to her was something I wanted to do before the "the baby's here" call. She has a really healthy perspective on pregnancy and what a blessing it is and what a huge experience it must be for the baby. It was great to talk to her. Later that day, Justin took the kids to church and I stayed home and got a lot of time to myself to think about how I really feel. I felt calm and prepared. I told Jacob that Mommy is ready for him but he is welcome to stay as long as he needs to. Justin gave me a blessing a few weeks ago and blessed me with patience and calm and I have definitely needed it. I am so grateful that he is able to use his priesthood to bless me with things that I need.
I want to have the best possible birth experience and I think that starts with going into labor at the perfect time for me and my baby. Jacob will be born on his birthday! :) And I will have the peace of knowing it was the right day for him!