Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I only have 2 maternity shirts thus far so I'm sure
they will be making frequent appearances here.  :)
I have now completed 11 weeks of pregnancy.  Yay!  My belly is starting to grow and fill out even more. I'm pretty sure I am undeniably pregnant looking at this point.  Which is good, way better than slightly chubby looking.  I am beginning to feel less and less sick.  I only had to take meds a couple of times in the last week.  My morning sickness seems to have gone away and now I only have evening sickness.  Every day around dinner time I get super nauseas.  During the rest of the day though, it's manageable, as long as I eat the right stuff at the right time.

I have an appt. with a midwife here in Austin so I can have my thyroid levels checked asap.  She'll do a prenatal visit as well so it will be fun to get to hear my baby's heartbeat again.  I am so excited to move on to this next phase of pregnancy.  My baby will be growing very quickly and soon I'll be able to feel him/her moving around inside of me.  That's always my favorite part of pregnancy.  I can't wait!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10 down, 30 to go. . .

I am now 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy!  Hooray!  It sounds like a lot when I put it that way.  My baby is now officially a fetus with all it's vital organs formed and beginning to function.  Only 8 weeks and I get to find out my baby's gender.  I cannot wait!  I seem to be beginning to have less morning sickness now and don't need to take my meds quite as often.  Which is a good thing cuz it gives me horrid headaches.  I'm still counting down till my 1st trimester ends and hopefully the nausea calms down permanently.  Just 3.5 weeks till then.

We have decided to move back to Utah and we are focusing a lot of our attention on that right now which helps time pass for me.  I am so excited to be with family again and experience the pregnancy milestones with them.  I'm so thrilled that my baby will know its extended family.  I can't wait to have Suzanne for a midwife again.  I am just anxious for everything to work out as quickly as possible!  I have a feeling life is about to get a whoooooole lot busier.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Alright, I guess it's time for the 9 weeks post.

The past week has been filled with ups and downs.  I thrived on my medicine for a few glorious days, and then it stopped working and I started puking again.  That wasn't fun.  So I got some Zofran.  I'm no longer throwing up and I have somewhat of an appetite, but I do feel nauseas.  Quite nauseas.  I guess that's how this medicine works.  Take off the edge and stop the puke.  I'll take it!

Mornings are going well for me.  I wake up with energy and drive.  I get as much done as I can during that time.  I've been really busy preparing for and teaching joy school and it's been really fun.  I spend a good part of the morning getting the kids ready and off to school with help from Justin (thank goodness).  I've been grocery shopping and cleaning in the mornings.  Unfortunately, morning passes and hell begins.  Around 2:30 I start to feel miserably sick and soooo tired.  Every day that passes brings me a day closer to my 2nd trimester and I can't wait!  Clearly, patience is a lesson God would have me learn.  I'm trying!

Jacob spent some time snuggling my belly yesterday.  It's so so nice to have him hug and kiss "the baby."  It's not so nice when he tells me how squishy it is.  :)  When the kids got home from school yesterday he told Everett, "Our baby's gonna come out!"  Ah, someday!  He tells me there's a baby inside of him too.  Not sure how to break the news to him that that's never going to happen.  I guess he'll figure it out in time.  I bought him a little baby doll and he has fun pretending it's talking and walking.  I showed him how to hold it gently and he really loved that.

Everett doesn't show a ton of interest but does sometimes talk about the babe.  He is happy about it but very busy in his own world of Kindergarten, reading, and time on the Wii!  Charity is more willing to help me, knowing that I don't feel well.  She is excited for the baby but also understands that it takes a loooong time so she's not very focused on it yet.

Justin is still a huge help to me despite being very busy with work and other various projects.  He is probably starting to get bored with his sick wife who never wants to leave the house in the evenings and falls asleep by 9 without fail.  The smell of his shampoo, deodorant, skin, breath, hair, etc. gives me goose bumps (not in a good way) so he's probably sick of feeling like the black plague.  He is a good and patient husband and I can't wait to feel better so I can pull my own weight around here!

This week was better than last and I'm hoping next week is even better!  I came across an AWESOME site that shows amazing photos of fetal development.  Check it out: http://www.ehd.org/prenatal-images.php?thum_id=358  I didn't know my baby was so cute already!  Hooray!

I realize it's a horrid picture but that's what you get when you take a picture of yourself in a dirty bathroom mirror with the flash on.  The bump is clearly visible so I'm okay with it.  :)