Friday, July 11, 2008

Changing My Mind

I am six months pregnant with my third child. I spend the first several months of pregnancy barfing my guts out or wanting to. I get super depressed and spend lots of time laying around, hiding from the world and my responsibilities. It is a long and painful time. Then the second trimester begins and things start to get easier. I stop feeling sick and start having more energy. It seems like along with that energy I would have a brighter outlook and get a lot more done. Sadly, at that point, I have formed some really bad habits. I have gotten into a negative thinking rut. I have spent way too much time being pregnant and hating it! Well, today I realized that having a positive approach to pregnancy is up to me. I only have a few more months till I will be going through labor and giving birth to my son and I want it to be a positive experience! I can't expect that to happen if I can't think positively. I want to remember all of the reasons that pregnancy is beautiful and sacred. I want to use this blog to focus on that. Hopefully I can look back at it during future pregnancies and have a more positive experience from the beginning. Pregnancy is a beautiful and wonderful time and it only lasts a short while. I am learning to enjoy it!

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