I have reached 37 weeks and my baby is now full term! Woo hoo! He could be born any time now and would probably be perfectly healthy. We met with an obstetrician last week and had a really good experience. I really liked him and he seems really flexible and willing to accommodate our desires for Austin's birth. Here's the plan as it stands today: I have an appt. tomorrow for an ultrasound. The dr. will check my fluid levels and see how much Austin has grown and from that he will determine whether or not to attempt a version. If Austin doesn't have enough room, he won't even try the version and I will schedule my c-section. If Austin does have enough room, we will schedule a version. For the version, I will go to the hospital, get an epidural, then they'll try the version. If the baby moves to the correct position, they will immediately induce my labor. If he doesn't, they will immediately give me a c-section. All this will occur around 39 weeks and tomorrow I'll know the exact date! I am so done and therefore so excited to have a specific day to count down to!
Not to whine (whenever someone says this, you know they're about to whine), but my ribs have never hurt so bad in my whole life. Austin lodges his head firmly in them and I hope they're all still in tact. The area around them is definitely bruised. It's a crazy experience having a head so far up there. I think his position is making my belly ginormous too. He's not utilizing the space in my pelvis at all and I think it makes him stick out a bunch. I have very few maternity outfits that still fit me. That's never happened to me before in pregnancy. Pretty much everything is too tight or too short. I'm definitely not buying anything bigger though because soon I won't need them at all! Hooray!
We have ordered pretty much everything we'll need for Austin's arrival. I'm so excited to get a bunch of Amazon packages on my front porch later today! It will feel so good to finally say I am completely ready. I do have some serious cleaning to do first though. I've been keeping up with the laundry and washing lots of baby clothes so that will simplify things. Can't wait to have his birthday scheduled and start counting down the minutes! :)
My belly has grown immensely in the last few weeks! |
A different view. Justin is always telling me how strong I am. I mean, look at me, my veins are popping out of my arms! I'm like the hulk or something. |
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