After 6 months that felt like 6 years, we are finally pregnant! Today I am a little more than 3 weeks pregnant. Super early, I know. The day before yesterday I used a pregnancy test, not expecting anything at all. I'm probably the pregnancy test industry's best customer. The possibility that I could be pregnant and the excitement that brings always outweighs my desire to be sensible. So, I took the test, feeling 99.9% positive that it would be negative. After the standard 3 minute wait, I looked at the test and saw nothing at first glance. So I kept waiting till the 10 minute mark when I checked it out again. When I picked it up and held it just right in the perfect lighting, I saw a second pink line. It was so so so so very very faint I wasn't sure it was really even there. I did some online research and found that it's not uncommon for an extremely faint line to appear, even when you aren't pregnant. My line was certainly extremely faint. After reading through several forums, I found instructions for how to determine if this is the real deal or not on this website:
http://www.amandabears.com/how-to-tweak-a-pregnancy-test.html . It even has a name, "tweaking." I uploaded my picture, viewed it up close, changed the exposure, and couldn't even see the line any more. Bummer. I now felt 100% positive that I was not pregnant. I was no stranger to this feeling and moved on quickly.
The next morning, I got up for my early morning potty break and Justin asked me if I was going to take the other pregnancy test I had tucked away in the bathroom drawer. I felt sure that I either wasn't pregnant or that it was way too early to tell so I hadn't even thought of taking another test. But Justin's question caught me off guard and opened my mind to the possibility of testing again. After he left for work I went about my day but the next time I needed to pee I made a completely impulsive decision to test again. 3 minutes later I checked out the test and this time there was DEFINITELY a line! Eureka! Pregnant at last! I still couldn't believe my eyes and bought another digital test today. In less than a minute my result appeared: pregnant!
Because it's so early on in the pregnancy and because we had such a hard time getting pregnant, Justin and I both feel extremely paranoid and worried about everything. I had believed that it just wasn't possible for us, that we were doomed to infertility forever, that my body was broken and I needed a dr. to make things right before we would ever achieve conception. I feel so grateful to Heavenly Father for allowing just the right circumstances to take place in order to achieve pregnancy. There are so many factors that contribute to a successful pregnancy, so much that can go wrong and so much that has to be just right. It is such great evidence to me that this is God's work. It seems that whenever I feel like God might not be on my side, He proves to me, in a huge way, that He is.
I don't have many symptoms so far since it's so early, but I'm grateful for each one that I do have because it means this is really real and I am actually experiencing pregnancy for probably the last time. I'm tired, I have a big appetite, I seem to have already lost my mind (pregnancy forgetfulness), I mix up words, I get really hot and really cold, I'm starting to notice intense smells, I have some cramps, and I'm seriously bloated, among some other things. I'm excited for things to progress and for my pregnancy to become more obvious to me. I don't feel much different than I did last month other than the things mentioned above.
I'm trying hard to eat well and continue to exercise. I am cutting out refined sugar for the most part (special occasions aside) and focusing on eating fruit and veggies as much as possible. I've been taking prenatal vitamins for several months now so I'm already in that habit.
Justin and I bought a bottle of fancy sparkling peach pop from Ikea a few weeks ago and we've been saving it for this moment. Actually drinking it and toasting to being parents again was a little different than I imagined. The kids were up late and when they were FINALLY all in bed, Justin poured our drink into two mugs and I sat up in bed, toasted, had two sips, then immediately fell asleep. That's pregnancy for ya.
My mind is going a million miles a minute and pregnancy is pretty much all I can think about right now. I'm excited for the actual date my period is due to come and go. I'm excited for several weeks to pass so Justin and I can share the good news with our family. Most of all, I am thrilled to be on my way to having another amazing daughter or son!